“Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well. “ I Peter 4:10 CEV
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
First and foremost I want to express my gratitude to God and for all of you who have been so faithful and generous in supporting the ministry of Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mt. Horeb. Because of your involvement and support our congregation is able to touch lives and bring God’s love to our neighbors, our community, and our world. We have all been blessed with many of God’s wonderful gifts, and so many of you have shared those gifts in the service of our church.
As we met in our congregational meeting, I hope you recognized the blessing that Ruby and Dorothy were able to provide by the wise use of their gifts. Because of their faithfulness we were able to take some actions, and begin making some plans for ministry in years to come.
Now I would like each of you to consider Peter’s instruction: “So use your gift well”. In the center of this newsletter you will find a response form. This form deals with the use of the financial gifts that have been entrusted to you for the coming year. (You will receive a separate time and talent response form later this year.) As we make plans for our annual meeting, and plans for ministry in the coming year, we need each of you to look at your management of God’s wealth, and commit yourselves to the support of ELC’s ministry.
What proportion of God’s wealth will you need to keep for yourself, and what proportion can you make available to support ministry which touches lives here at home and around the world?
Please return this form to church on Sunday, October 26th. As our young people make their affirmation of baptism on Confirmation Day, I ask each of you to commit to your involvement in ministry as well.
Pastor John Twiton