“A family in faith, reaching out to share God’s love with all people.”
–Mission statement for Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mt. Horeb
Sitting on my parent’s porch the other night, we spent a long time looking through old slides of family pictures going back over fifty years. It was a chance to remember, and to retell the stories of people, events, and places that have brought us to where we are. (As well as Tom laughing at the pictures of when I had hair.)
Each Sunday our mission statement is on the front of our bulletin, reminding us that we have a ’faith family’ as well. As we look forward to beginning a new season of Sunday School, Confirmation, Wednesday night potlucks, and so forth, I am reminded that what we do as a church family is also to remember and tell the stories of the people and events that have made us who we are. Mostly we tell the story of how Jesus has united us into this new family, surrounded us by His grace, and strengthens us for the tasks at hand.
We need to spend time with our separate families, but we also need to spend time with this ‘family in faith’. The ELC family needs each other. We respond together when there is need, and I ask you to keep our sister Cari Hadac and her family in your prayers as she faces a serious battle with a brain tumor. I am always thankful to see members of our community involved in helping out in so many ways.
But we also need to pay attention to the task of reaching out beyond ourselves. When is the last time you invited someone to an event at church? This month’s festival is a great event for people to share. You could reach out to a new neighbor, or call up an old friend you haven’t seen for a while. We have so much to share at ELC. Come join the family at worship, Sunday School, Confirmation, potlucks, or Bible Studies. Come help us work together for our neighbors and our world.