Donald Juel, professor at Luther Seminary, reflecting on the resurrection account in the Gospel of Mark, once wrote that:
“None of the Gospels can really end the story of Jesus. The whole point is that it continues–and that its significance continues.” (Mark (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1990) 234).
I like this point of view, because Jesus is raised, and lives even now, the story does not end. The question for all of us who have experienced this good news is this: “How does Jesus’ story, the good news of victory of life over death, continue to be seen in our lives day after day?”
We do a pretty good job of celebrating Easter. The flowers, the music, the celebration of the day are wonderful. But how quickly do we allow the story to be pushed aside by our hurry to get on to other things? How often do we go back to living as if fear, guilt, and death are more powerful that the light and love of Easter morning?
The story of Jesus will continue. Because he lives, we continue to be blessed by the grace that gives life. Because he lives, we continue to be forgiven and made new. Because he lives, we have the promise that he is with us always. Because he lives, we are called to be about the work of his kingdom even now
How will you continue in the story of Easter? Each of us has gifts and opportunities to share:
- To reach out to the lonely and the lost.
- To offer forgiveness and reconciliation
- To worship and invite others along
- To feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and work for justice
- To build up the body of Christ.
Blessings on your continuing journey in Christ’s resurrection!
Pastor John Twiton