We join in one special worship service at 9:00 a.m. Sunday this weekend. Vicar Jason will preach his final sermon as our intern, and we conclude the worship with a special blessing of Godspeed for his journey ahead. Following the worship there will be a reception in the fellowship hall. Please join us!!
Devotions for this week:
Praise for Those Being Tested – July 28, 2019
SHARE: What was a high point of your day? What was a low point?
READ: Read the following daily readings to deepen your understanding
Monday, Hebrews 5:11-14, Warning against Falling Away
Tuesday, Hebrews 6:1-12, Peril of Falling Away
Wednesday, Hebrews 6:13-20, God’s Certain Promise
Thursday, Hebrews 7:1-10, The Priestly Order of Melchizedek
Friday, Hebrews 7:11-28, A Priest like Melchizedek
Saturday, Hebrews 8:1-13, Mediator of a Better Covenant
Go to clergystuff.com/daily-devotions for devotions on the daily readings.
TALK: Consider some of these ideas
“Because he himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.” (Hebrews 2:18)
Even though humanity suffers, and continues to cause suffering, Jesus’ sacrifice has given us confidence that suffering, pain, and not even death will have the final say.
- Think of a recent disaster. What seemed to be most helpful to those who are suffering? Did you do anything to help?
- When has your faith been tested by illness, disaster, or a difficult situation?
- How did you handle it? What gave you hope?
PRAY: Holy Lord, you became one of us to know fully our humane experience. Make us one with you in the mission to proclaim your gospel to all on earth. In faith we pray, Amen.
BLESS: May you feel surrounded by the love of God even when you are suffering. Amen.