Dear Friends,
As you all know the situation with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) continues to change quickly. At ELC we want to respond with calm, compassion, and caution. We are relying on advice from government agencies, our synod, and the Wisconsin Council of Churches.
We have decided to cancel public worship gatherings at the church building through at least March 22nd. This suspension of worship gatherings will allow us to observe the continued impact of this virus in our community, and formulate plans to help us gather again while minimizing the risks to those who attend.
In the meantime, we will offer an online recording of each Sunday’s message on Facebook live, and post it later to the church’s webpage We are looking at ways to expand our streaming of more of our worship.
Regarding our offerings, your continued financial giving is important for the health of our congregation – especially in this time. We appreciate your generosity, and we will need to work together to continue to support our mission. You always have the option to mail your offering to the church office, or it’s easy to give online. Go to
Finally, I want to encourage you to look out for each other. All of these precautions are taken out of an abundance of care for you and for our community. We will look for ways to support one another and care for the most vulnerable.
Please share the word with your friends and neighbors, especially those who don’t have access to email or internet.
God’s Peace and Strength,
Pastor John