Pious words in worship cannot be separated from our daily treatment of those around us. God calls us through Micah to bring a consistent worship in our words and deeds.
Worship this week:
Saturday — 5:00 p.m. in the chapel
Sunday — 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship
Devotions for the week November 9, 2014 “Do Justice, love kindness”
At the time of Micah, the kingdom of Israel was divided. Some lived in the Northern Kingdom, Israel, with its capital of Samaria. Others lived in the Southern Kingdom, Judah, with its capital of Jerusalem. Micah spoke to Israel shortly before Samaria was conquered by Assyria, which effectively ended the kingdom of Israel (the Northern Kingdom). A few hundred years later, Babylon would conquer both Assyria and Judah, putting God’s people in exile.
God’s promise through Micah proclaimed that out of Bethlehem in Judah one would come to save the people from exile and ruin. Through Micah’s words, God reminded the people that God did not desire burnt offerings or sacrifices. Instead, God desired the people to live with justice, kindness, and humility.
Read:Follow the book of Micah, as the prophet proclaims both judgment and the promise of restoration.
Sunday, Micah 5:2-4; 6:6-8, Micah
Monday, Micah 1, Judgment and Doom
Tuesday, Micah 2, Social Evils Denounced
Wednesday, Micah 3, Wicked Rulers
Thursday, Micah 4, Peace and Promise
Friday, Micah 5:1, 5-15; 6:1-5, 9-16, God’s Challenge
Saturday, Micah 7, Prophecy of Restoration
- What was God doing here? How were the people’s actions punished or rewarded?
- How are the actions of your community/culture punished or rewarded? How can you influence your community’s behaviors so that they more closely match those God’s ways?
- How do you act with justice, kindness, and humility? What can you do this week to make improvements in those areas of your life?
Do:Perform an act of justice, kindness, or humility for a stranger at least once each day this week. Make a note of how your behavior shapes your attitude.