“And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.” – Acts 2:2
The third great celebration of the church year comes in June this year, and no, it is not “summer vacation”! It is Pentecost, the celebration of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the church and in our lives. Unfortunately this great celebration, this earth-shaking, life-changing, God empowered event is met too often with a sense of apathetic distraction. It’s almost as if we are too preoccupied with lesser things than ready to receive God’s gift of forgiveness and life.
But God’s Spirit is still very much at work in our lives, and in our congregation. Don’t dampen that fire by attitudes that look for excuses to be negative. Don’t miss that breath of life because you’ve fallen prey to the distractions of lesser things. As we move into summer make sure you find a balance of time to get away, and a time to come together. Just like an ember dies when removed from the fire for too long, we too can grow cold in faith when we stay away from the fellowship of worship for too long.
Most of all find reasons to celebrate the goodness and grace of the Lord our God in creation, family, and our church. Find space to feel the breath of God’s grace warming, forgiving, and filling your heart.
Hear this prayer for Pentecost:
Come Holy Spirit, our souls inspire and lighten with celestial fire. Ignite our hearts, inflame our souls, and kindle our spirits that we may burn anew with your love. Overcome our timid and tepid faith with these encouragements of your presence and gospel. Warm up all that is cold or frozen in us. Give us the flame of lively living and believing. O Spirit of God, take our words and speak through them; take our minds and think through them; take our hearts and set them on fire. Amen.
In God’s Spirit,
Pastor John Twiton