As most of your receive this newsletter, my family and I will be returning from a trip to Christikon Lutheran Bible camp. For those who’ve never heard of Christikon, it is an outdoor ministry of congregations in southern Montana and northern Wyoming affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Located in the Rocky Mountains of southern Montana, Christikon lies near the center of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, just north of Yellowstone National Park. It is the last developed place along the 22 mile gravel road at an elevation of 6,500 feet above sea level. The surrounding high county ranges from 9,000 to 11,000 feet.
During our week there I will attend sessions with Professors Matthew Skinner and Karoline Lewis of Luther Seminary in St. Paul. There will also be time for family activities, worship and hiking the mountain trails. Diane, Tom and I will be joined by my nephews Jacob and Joshua from Missouri. After our week at Christikon we will spend a weekend in Yellowstone Park before travelling home the first week of August.
Thanks to my neighboring pastors for their willingness to help out in case of emergency, and to Pastors Brent Chrisianson and Dave Keesey-Berg for preaching in my absence. I thank all of you for your support for myself and my family, and for your faithfulness in supporting the work of ELC. Soon enough we will be starting back to school, Sunday School, confirmation, and all the rest. As a congregation we need to face some decisions about facilities and ministry in the future, but I trust that the Lord will give us the wisdom, courage and grace to work together to see these next steps in our mission taken with joy and thanksgiving.