ELC Office
Office Hours:
Monday and Thursday: 9am – Noon and 1-4pm
Friday: 9am-Noon
ELC Staff
Pastor John Twiton
Pastor John can be reached at 608-437-0333, voicemail messages are forwarded to him right away.
Brenda Martin, Youth Director
Nancy Voss, Office Manager
Amy Kellesvig, Director – Agape Christian Preschool
(608) 437-7100
Jeremy Kahl, Custodian
Diane Dangerfield, Organist & Sr. Choir Director
Barb Underwood, Praise Team Leader/Jr. Choir Director/Accompanist
Kristin Willcutt, Bell Choir Director
Ruth Heinecke, Organist/Accompanist
ELC Church Council
All Council members have a mailbox in the church office. You are invited to leave correspondence there for them. Please respect the workplaces of these dedicated volunteers by conducting church business through emails or by calling the church office to leave messages for them.