At ELC, we provide numerous opportunities for service, fellowship and education for youth of all ages. We focus on relational ministry through youth classes, mentoring and service to others.
These include:
• SUNDAY SCHOOL –Weekly classes in Sept through May from 10:15 – 11:00 a.m.; open to children and teens from preschool to eighth grade, with volunteer teaching assistant opportunities for older youth
• CONFIRMATION – Weekly Confirmation classes are on Wednesday nights through out the school year, 7 pm – 8:30 pm for our 7th – 8th graders. Students are confirmed at the end of October in the fall of 9th grade.
• FUSE Nights -(Sunday evenings at 7 pm – once or twice per month) – FUSE stands for Faith unleashed. Supporting Everyone. Youth, who are 9th – 12th graders are welcome to come to our high school nights. FUSE comes together to create relationships, show kindness to others, challenge each other in exciting games, time to hang out, and learn about what it means to share our faith with everyone.
• SUMMER PROGRAMMING – Vacation Bible School, Day Camp, Service Week, Mission Trips, ELCA Youth Gathering (once every 3 yrs) and Sugar Creek Bible Camp

Keeping in Touch –
– Email
– Bulletin/Newsletter
– ELC – Facebook Page
– @ELCMHyouth (Instagram)