What is Confirmation?
- Confirmation has been around in Lutheran Churches for a long time, but it is important for us to stop and think about what it is before we begin. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has said: “Confirmation ministry is a pastoral and education ministry of the church which helps the baptized person through Word and Sacrament to identify more deeply with the Christian community and participate more fully in its mission.”
ELC Confirmation Journey:
Acolyte Schedule: (6th, 7th, 8th and 9th graders)
At church, we begin having our youth involved with serving as an acolyte during our worship services. This is a great way to be more deeply involved with our community of faith. To help with acolyting, we offer acolyte training during our Sunday School hour. All sixth graders are invited in September, where Pastor John will be instructing them on how to serve as an acolyte during worship. They will continue to acolyte during their 7th – 8th grade (Confirmation) as well. Attached is our acolyting schedule for this year. If your child is unable to serve on a given Sunday, please find their own replacement and inform the office of any changes. Office number is 608.437.5012.
Acolyte Schedule 2024 – 2025(updated10.22.24 vs#3).docx
Sixth Grade (Pre-Confirmation): Youth will meet weekly on Wednesdays, 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm, April 2 – April 30, 2025. These gatherings are intended to enhance our Confirmation experience. Students will share in fellowship, have fun, and review Bible stories.
7th & 8th Grade (ELC’s Confirmation Program): Youth meet on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 p.m. Classes are led by Pastor John Twiton and Youth Ministry Director Brenda Martin, with help from parent group leaders and other volunteers. The class continues to meet through their eighth grade year. (7 pm class begins on Sept 11th)
This year (2024- 2025):
- We are going to study the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and Martin Luther’s explanations as found in the Small Catechism
- We are going to learn through our actions as well as through worship and doing acts of service for others.
- You will have the chance to talk about what you are learning about your faith at home with your parents and at church with your pastor, teachers, and each other.
- You are going to spend time enjoying the fellowship, friendship, and the joy of being part of a family of faith.
- It is our goal that at the end of all these classes you will stand before the church and make a statement of faith that is meaningful for you.
9th Grade: Our youth are confirmed the last Sunday in October at the beginning of their ninth-grade year. During the fall, the youth complete their Statement of Faith projects. This year, Affirmation of Baptism will be held on October 27th, Reformation Sunday. Details about our gatherings this fall are below in the “Preparing for Confirmation Day” link.
To learn more about the confirmation program, contact Youth Ministries Director Brenda Martin at brenda.martin@elcmthoreb.org.
Important attachments:
7th & 8th Graders:
Digital Worship Notes – (Google Forms)
Confirmation Schedule 2024-2025
2024 – 2025 Confirmation Notes & Expectations
TO REGISTER FOR CONFIRMATION – 7th & 8th graders, please use the QR code to register.
- We do expect each student to spend a week at confirmation camp with their group either after their 7th or 8th grade year.
Confirmation Camp will be held during the week of June 15 and week of July 20. Students can pick which camp to attend, with friends. Please let Brenda know which week you plan to attend.
ELC of Mt Horeb will help with camp costs, giving each camper $300 towards their camping week. If additional scholarships are needed, please contact Brenda or Pastor John.
Register online: http://wp.sugarcreek bible camp.org.
9th Graders:
Preparing for Confirmation Day 2024

GIVE/LOVE/SERVE (Local Service Week) – Week during the summer, Middle – High school youth are invited to our local mission week, where we participate in many opportunities in our community to help others.