ELC Summer Programs: VBS/DAY CAMP at ELC,
Explorer Day (at Sugar Creek),
SUGAR CREEK BIBLE CAMP – Online Registration is open for Sugar Creek Bible Camp Summer programs. They have a variety of programs listed on their website, for youth and families. ELC of Mt Horeb will help with camp costs, by giving each camper $300 towards their camping week. Contact Brenda for the transfer code to save $300 on your registration. If additional scholarships are needed, please contact Brenda or Pastor John. We want everyone to attend camp this summer. https://www.sugarcreekbiblecamp.org/enroll-now/
– VBS – (9 am– 11:30 am) 3 yr. – Kindergarten
– DAY CAMP – (1 pm-5 pm) 1st – 5th grade in fall
REGISTER: https://forms.gle/aUMc2hzs9jpyfELX7
(SPECIAL TRIP -One day to Sugar Creek on June 26th for 1st – 5th)
CONFIRMATION CAMP – June 15th or July 20th week, 7th & 8th graders will attend Confirmation Camp at Sugar Creek Bible Camp.
Register online: http://wp.sugarcreekbiblecamp.org/
ELC is paying $300 towards the registration fee for campers
(Use the GHRID: ELCMTH when registering.)

Local Mission Week
GIVE/LOVE/SERVE (Local Service Week) – July 14, 15 and 16, 2025
Middle – High school youth are invited to our local service week. Many opportunities for youth to provide service in our community. High school students can earn Silver Cord hours. REGISTER: https://forms.gle/DuANahSt4Nc3eiC19
SERVING OTHERS (Beyond Mt Horeb)
Baby Kit Donations Needed: (Lutheran World Relief)
Our youth and members of Rebecca Circle are teaming together to collect and assemble the baby kits which will be sent to Lutheran World Relief this fall. Everyone is welcome to donate items. Great opportunity to shop at garage sales or go to thrift stores. Items should be in good condition, clean and in infant sizes no larger than 36 months. Each month, we will focus on items to donate. We will assemble the kits on July 15th. There is a bin in Narthex for your donations.
APRIL – Jackets or Sweaters with or without hoods
MAY – Cotton, lightweight T-shirts and cloth diapers, flat fold preferred
JUNE – Baby Caps & Bath-size bars of gentle soap (individually wrapped)
JULY – Hand towels (dark colors)
T-SHIRTS NEEDED: Each Baby Care Kit assembled for Lutheran World Relief contains four diapers. To help recycle and keep costs down, we utilize T-shirts and sew them to make diapers. If you have T-shirts adult size Large or larger, we can recycle them. Please drop them in the church office. Thank you for your contribution.
Youth Gathering in Minneapolis in 2027
Every three years, 30,000+ high school youth and their adult leaders from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gather for a week of faith formation known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. Through days spent in interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service and fellowship, young people grow in faith and are challenged and inspired to live their faith in their daily lives.

ELC Faith Connection on Facebook
Our ELC Group on Facebook, ELC Faith Connection, is for everyone of all ages. Let’s keep your eyes open for ‘hearts’ that you notice in nature. Share your photos on our Facebook group. #heartsinthewild. Contact Brenda, if you need help connecting. Contact Brenda, if you need help connecting.
Any questions, please contact Brenda; brenda.martin@elcmthoreb.org