Ministry Teams are members of the congregation who desire to volunteer to serve on a Ministry Team of their choice. Committee members are elected, selected, or appointed by the congregation, the council, or the pastor.
Endowment Committee
Supervises the funds given as an endowment to this congregation. The interest from the investments is disbursed annually.
Auditing Committee
Reviews the church financial records in preparation for the annual meeting.
Nominating Committee
Seeks members to serve in the elected positions.
Agape Ministry
Supervises the preschool program to ensure it provides a loving, Christ-centered learning environment for children three to five years of age. Responsible for ensuring the preschool is in compliance with state and local licensing requirements. Also responsible for financial, physical plant and personnel supervision.
Budget and Finance Ministry
Oversees the financial and budget aspects of the church, including preparation of the annual budget for congregation approval at the Annual Meeting.
Internship Committee
In cooperation with Wartburg Theological Seminary, one of the seven seminaries of the ELCA, the committee provides support for and to our Pastoral Intern who is supervised by Pastor John. The committee is made up of lay members of the congregation.
Inreach/Outreach Ministry
Ongoing and new ways to reach out to members and the community to bring people into the congregation. It also seeks to enhance hospitality extended to all members and visitors. Inreach/outreach manages new members, visitation of shut-ins and nursing home residents, inactive members; transportation; special events such as Lenten meals and Church Picnic.
Personnel Committee
Property Ministry
Provides for the maintenance and improvement of all the real and personal property of the congregation. Provide the equipment and materials necessary to carry out the mission and ministry. Provide for the scheduled maintenance and replacement of property and equipment.
Social Action Ministry
Considers issues of a social nature. Service projects, health ministries, social issues; facilitates workshops and seminars; provides volunteers for service projects.
Spiritual Growth & Fellowship Ministry
Stewardship Ministry
Seeks to help members realize their full potential as members of the Body of Christ by the use of each person’s Time, Talent and Treasure. This committee also manages the fall Stewardship Renewal Drive.
Women of ELC Executive Committee
- Betsy Baguhn, Co-President
- Ann Baumgartner-Treasurer
Ellen Cook, Monica Circle
Rose Klir-Sewing Group & Faith Circle
Janet Nesheim, Rebecca Circle
Wendy Rasmussen, Sarah Circle
Saundra Roth-Guild - Julie Vasen, Co-President
Linda Wahlgren-Sewing Group & Faith Circle
Worship and Music Ministry
Provide for inviting, inspirational worship; schedules the communion servers; oversees ushers, lay readers, choir members, special music, drama, bread bakers, nursery workers and altar guild.
Children and Youth Ministry
Plans for the nurture of youth and children in Christian life and faith. Ministries include confirmation, Sunday School, and summer camp programs.