Youth and adult volunteers from Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mount Horeb and Saba, International built the shanty in this photograph and placed it outside our church to remind us of the opportunities all of God’s children deserve.
In many areas of the world, people live in humble dwellings such as this one. But just like us, they have what really matters — hopes, dreams and dignity.
This is one humble dwelling, but now imagine hundreds of thousands of people — even up to a million — living like this in dwellings built tightly against one another. A veritable sea of these dwellings, all lacking proper sanitation, kept separate from affluent areas of cities by a society that offers little assistance to, or regard for, residents old or young.
ELC has a long history of supporting Saba, International, an organization that supports education, nutrition and shelter for underprivileged children and the communities where they live in East Africa.
Mount Horeb natives Tim and Cathy Woller established Saba, International in 2009 after completing an assignment in Nairobi, Kenya with the U.S. Air Force. During their three years in Kenya, the Wollers established close relationships with The Nest Children’s Home and New Dawn Educational Center, and added Bethel Outreach Children’s Center in 2012. (Scroll down for a video about these organizations.)
Come and visit our shanty. Look inside and envision an entire family living within its walls — waking up every morning to head to work or school, just as we do. Think of the opportunities here that we are so grateful to have, and how you can help provide an environment where they also can grow and flourish.
To learn more about Saba, International, and donate via check, visit the charity’s website or watch the video below.
To donate via credit card, use ELC’s e-commerce page and click on the Saba, International option.