Thanks to all who help support camperships! Our confirmation youth and about 50 more young people have attended Sugar Creek Bible Camp this summer.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mt. Horeb
A family in faith, reaching out to share God's love with all people
by john
by john
Dear Pastor John and brothers and sisters of Mt. Horeb
We are really happy that you took time during your Summer Bible School to write letters and make the banner for us. It looks like, from all the photos that you sent, that you had a great time! I showed the banner to our congregation on July 1st during our Sunday Service. I’m including a photo…
Our congregation was excited for the letters and we distributed them to some of our members that understand English and asked them to write back. I hope that you receive some letters in the next couple of weeks.
We greatly appreciate your gestures and we look forward to continue strengthening our relationship.
I hope that you and your congregation continue to enjoy the summertime. Please say hi to the good people of Mt. Horeb.
God bless you, your family and congregation!
Pastor Carmelo
Iglesia Luterana Divino Salvador
by john
“It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage each other, watch out—in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be then?” Galatians 5:13-15 (The Message)
As our nation celebrates its Independence Day on July 4th, we will again hear much about the importance of the freedoms we celebrate in this country. When Paul wrote to the Galatians about freedom, he was not speaking of political freedoms such as freedom of speech, press, and assembly, but he was talking about freedom from a religious practice that mandated specific ceremonies, myriad regulations, and adherence to a strict set of behavioral norms.
Now, in Christ, Paul says that we are set free. But all freedoms, whether religious or political, come with responsibilities and with the potential for harm. Both as Christians and as citizens we would do well to hear Paul’s words of caution again this July 4th. “You were called to a free life. Just be sure you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want and destroy your freedom.” We are given this freedom to be a blessing to others. And the danger of causing harm by abusing this freedom is very real. As you celebrate your freedom this year, watch that you don’t use your liberty as an excuse to say or do things that are hurtful to your neighbor, and damage the very gift we’ve been given.
God’s Peace,
Pastor John Twiton
by john
As part of our Mt. Horeb Summer Missions week, a number of our high school students prepared and serve a lunch for the residents of the Homestead Apts in Mt. Horeb. After joining the residents for the meal, they held a trivia game and enjoyed their time sharing stories and meeting new friends. Click on the pictures below to see full size frame.
by john
Our Camp ELC and Mt. Horeb Summer Missions Week concluded with Thursday evening’s program at Brigham Park. Beginning Sunday evening the staff from Sugar Creek Bible Camp met with our 2nd through 6th graders under the theme: “Ordinary People … Extraordinary God”, while our younger students met with our own volunteers. New this year was our middle school and high school “Mt. Horeb Summer Missions” week. During their time this week these young people collected food for the food pantry, made and delivered meals and blankets for the Ronald McDonald House, volunteered at the Second Harvest Food Bank, Community Clothes Closet, and much more.
One special project completed by all the young people this week was a special ‘Noah’s Ark’ banner, filled with hand-prints and pictures to be sent to our sister congregation in Puerto Rico.
Many thanks to all who made this week a great experience!
Welcome to Worship!
Saturday: 5:00 pm Worship in small chapel – modified traditional format.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Worship with a blend of traditional and contemporary music
Sunday School: 10:15 a.m.
Live worship will be streamed at 9:00 a.m. on Facebook. Recordings will be available on Facebook, YouTube and on the Sermon Archive page.
Find Daily Devotions on our Facebook page.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mount Horeb (ELCA)
315 E. Main St., Mount Horeb, WI 53572
We welcome all to ELC! Everyone. Without exception. Regardless of race,
ethnicity, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, faith traditions, physical or mental abilities, financial resources, family status, or personal struggles. We are committed to being an anti-racist community. By the power of the Holy Spirit we will work to extend God’s grace, love, justice, and dignity. You belong here. Your story and your life are valuable. In Christ’s love, we welcome you.