It can be hard to admit that we need help. But as Jesus begins the ministry of teaching and healing, he refuses to abide by everyone’s old expectations. His grace, forgiveness, and love is shared with all who need it, and nothing is allowed to stand in the way. The paralytic’s friends will not let anything stand in the way of bringing him to Jesus. What stands in our way?
Worship this week:
Saturday — 5:00 p.m. in the chapel
Sunday — 8:30 a.m. Traditional worship
9:30 a.m. — Growing in Faith Together — a time for all generations to share in learning a fellowship!
10:30 a.m. — Contemporary worship
Devotions for this week:
Jesus heals and teaches January 9-10, 2016
So many gathered around that there was no longer room for them, not even in front of the door; and he was speaking the word to them.
Mark 2:2
Jesus’ ministry is still so new, he hasn’t had enough time to gain many enemies. The crowds are flocking to him. But forgiveness – that is a scandalous thing. When he dares forgive someone – that is when the sickness of this world becomes entirely visible, as it zeroes in on Jesus as its target.
Read: Sunday, Mark 2:1-22, Jesus Heals and Teaches
Monday, Psalm 103:6-14
Tuesday, Mark 2:23-28, Pronouncement about the Sabbath
Wednesday, Mark 3:1-6, The Man with a Withered Hand
Thursday, Mark 3:7-12, A Multitude at the Seaside
Friday, Mark 3:13-19a, Jesus Appoints the Twelve
Saturday, Mark, 3:19b-30, Jesus and Beelzebul
What kinds of work did Jesus do in the early days of his ministry?
- What do you think is the relationship between forgiveness and healing? How has forgiveness and healing affected your life?
- Jesus defied his tradition’s laws and rituals to demonstrate a greater good. What traditions, laws or rituals might be standing in the way of a greater good today?
Do: Consider someone that requires your forgiveness or your apology. Forgive that person or ask for forgiveness. Ask what you might do to further reconciliation.
Bless: May God heal and teach you each and every day. Amen.